18 October 2009

へやは あたらしい です

いま わたしの へやは ニューヨークに べんきょします。 きょう かえります。 

What I'm basically trying to say is that I moved to an apartment in New York today. I'm still waiting for my roommate to show up (if I even have one).

If anyone wants to study for げつようびの テスト, にちようびの ろくじに Lerner Hallの さんかいで べんきょしますよ。

じゃ また。


サイモン said...


フラシュカード いいです。


err, what I'm trying to say is that the flash cards are great. It's kinda lame that you have to make them all though, so if you want to divide the lessons up, I can also make some. If you'd rather wait until we have a better interface to work with we can start then.


Josh said...

Let me see if I can get it working over this weekend. I'll email you when it works. It's just so hard to find the time to work on this.

meli said...

Just wanted to let you know I've been listening to Songs to Wear Pants to for a couple hours now, and it is your fault.

おめでと on the apartment/no more ちかてつ though!

SkullsAndHappiness said...


emingusmagnus said...





Josh said...

アリさん、 あれは とても だかいです。 ちょっと きれいです。 あそこで なんも じゃ ありません。 Roommateじゃ ありません そして I don't have a lot of stuff.

Kaori said...

I really really want to go NY!!

Josh said...

You should. Although you might want to wait until after the winter. It gets brutally cold here.

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